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Campaign Fund of ACEC/MN

Continuing Challenges – Your Support Remains Critical

  • Continued support of key legislators is critical to maintain and extend our influence at the Capitol
  • The Campaign Fund supports candidates and holds fundraisers for key candidates in the Governor's race and State Legislative races
  • The process of identifying and supporting new candidates that support our industry and issues never ends

The Bottom Line – our Campaign Fund runs on Member Support

Through the generous support of individual ACEC/MN members, the Campaign Fund generated over $25,000 this last election cycle, which was used to support pro-business, pro-industry candidates. We need your continued support to maintain the momentum for the engineering industry.

The Campaign Fund of ACEC/MN Fund is bipartisan / nonpartisan – issues determine financial support, not political party. Contributions made by the Fund are essential to legislative success.

Resources for the ACEC/MN Campaign Fund

The ACEC/MN Campaign Fund is the best investment you can make for the future of your business! Please contribute today on-line below, or send your donation to ACEC/MN Campaign Fund by mail to the ACEC/MN office (make checks payable to Campaign Fund of ACEC/MN).

Contribute to the ACEC/MN Campaign Fund

Contribute to the ACEC National PAC & Resources

If you encounter issues when making your contribution, please contact Jennifer Pugh ( or Forest Putnam ( Jennifer can be reached by phone at (202) 682-4322.

Contributions to the ACEC National PAC can be mailed to the ACEC/MN Office at 30 7th Street East, Suite 2725, St. Paul, MN 55101. ACEC/MN staff will forward your contribution to ACEC National.

Reminder - If your firm does not have a Prior Approval form on file ACEC National, please use the link above. ACEC/MN staff can determine if your firm has a Prior Approval form on file.

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