There are many ways ACEC/MN recognizes the work of the engineering community, its member firms, and volunteer leadership, as well as promising young students who represent the future of the engineering profession.
For over fifty years, the association has been recognizing outstanding engineering projects through the Engineering Excellence Awards. Minnesota engineering firms have entered their most innovative projects and studies on an annual basis and are recognized for the work they have done to make the state stronger.
ACEC/MN also strives to honor and recognize the next generation of engineers through its scholarship program. Tens of thousands of dollars are awarded annually to bright young students in Minnesota engineering programs to support their pursuit of a career in the profession.
At the Annual Meeting, ACEC recognizes outstanding volunteers and firms who have dedicated significant time and effort to supporting the association. The President's Award, the Firm of the Year Award, the Emerging Leader Award, and the Tom Roche Lifetime Achievement Award represent those volunteer leaders who have made a difference in the life and health of the association over the past year.
See the buttons to the left for this year's awards winners.